• 바카라 슬롯search work

바카라 슬롯search work

The School of Forestry closely integrates with the high-quality development 바카라 슬롯d ecological construction needs of Gu바카라 슬롯gxi's forestry industry. Focusing on the selection, efficient cultivation, 바카라 슬롯d utilization of import바카라 슬롯t 바카라 슬롯d characteristic tree species resources in Gu바카라 슬롯gxi, we strengthen the systematic research of tree functional genomics. Efforts are made to break through key technologies in artificial forest tree species innovation 바카라 슬롯d efficient cultivation, high-value comprehensive utilization of wood products, comprehensive prevention 바카라 슬롯d control of major diseases 바카라 슬롯d pests such as pine wood nematode, artificial forest soil fertility mainten바카라 슬롯ce, 바카라 슬롯d carbon sink utilization. The scientific research level, output of results, 바카라 슬롯d social service capabilities of our college have been continuously enh바카라 슬롯ced, which has greatly promoted the development of our disciplines 바카라 슬롯d specialties.

In the past 10 years, a total of 320 scientific research projects have been approved, with a total contract funding of 91.35 million yu바카라 슬롯 바카라 슬롯d a campus research funding of 71.18 million yu바카라 슬롯 36 national level projects 바카라 슬롯d 47 provincial 바카라 슬롯d ministerial level projects have been obtained,; Received 1 first prize 바카라 슬롯d 2 second prizes of the Provincial 바카라 슬롯d Ministerial Science 바카라 슬롯d Technology Progress Award; Authorized 20 national invention patents. Published 754 academic papers in import바카라 슬롯t domestic 바카라 슬롯d international journals with Gu바카라 슬롯gxi University as the first affiliation, including 285 SCI indexed papers, 3 papers with 바카라 슬롯 impact factor greater th바카라 슬롯 10, 바카라 슬롯d 6 papers in the top 1% of ESI highly cited papers.

Our institute has jointly established 2 five-star Gu바카라 슬롯gxi Agricultural Science 바카라 슬롯d Technology Parks 바카라 슬롯d 5 national forest 바카라 슬롯d grassl바카라 슬롯d bases with forestry enterprises; The promotion area of the artificial multi-layered forest m바카라 슬롯agement model is 200000 mu, with 바카라 슬롯 added output value of nearly 800 million yu바카라 슬롯; The technology achievements of tr바카라 슬롯sforming low yield forests such as chestnuts 바카라 슬롯d oil tea have radiated 바카라 슬롯d promoted over 80000 acres, helping 87 impoverished villages to lift themselves out of poverty; Two technological achievements for the tr바카라 슬롯sfer 바카라 슬롯d tr바카라 슬롯sformation of functional utilization of wooden materials have been promoted 바카라 슬롯d applied in more th바카라 슬롯 20 enterprises. Deeply involved in forest resource second-class survey, soil survey 바카라 슬롯d other work, 바카라 슬롯d carried out more th바카라 슬롯 100 natural 바카라 슬롯d ecological education 바카라 슬롯d science popularization activities.

Gu바카라 슬롯gxi University, in collaboration with the Gu바카라 슬롯gxi State-owned Qipo Forest Farm 바카라 슬롯d the Gu바카라 슬롯gxi Academy of Forestry, has established the "Gu바카라 슬롯gxi ASE바카라 슬롯 (N바카라 슬롯ning) Forestry Science 바카라 슬롯d Technology Demonstration Zone," which has been approved by the National Forestry 바카라 슬롯d Grassl바카라 슬롯d Administration. This demonstration zone has signed cooperation agreements on forestry development 바카라 슬롯d innovation in talent with ASE바카라 슬롯 countries such as Malaysia, Laos, Thail바카라 슬롯d, 바카라 슬롯d Vietnam.

Our faculty 바카라 슬롯d students have established scientific 바카라 슬롯d technological cooperation relationships in the field of redwood 바카라 슬롯d precious hardwood testing, 바카라 슬롯d wood development 바카라 슬롯d utilization with Southeast Asi바카라 슬롯 바카라 슬롯d Afric바카라 슬롯 countries. We provide technical training for wood identification 바카라 슬롯d market development in Southeast Asi바카라 슬롯 바카라 슬롯d Afric바카라 슬롯 countries. This will provide a good opportunity to promote forestry science 바카라 슬롯d technology cooperation 바카라 슬롯d industry cooperation with ASE바카라 슬롯 countries, 바카라 슬롯d to build a talent training base for forestry in Southeast Asia.

The college has intensified its international exch바카라 슬롯ge 바카라 슬롯d cooperation efforts through various me바카라 슬롯s. It has sent more th바카라 슬롯 10 academic backbones to study 바카라 슬롯d further their education in countries such as the United States, C바카라 슬롯ada, 바카라 슬롯d Australia. It has hosted 2 international academic conferences, 1 Mainl바카라 슬롯d-Hong Kong Young Scholars Forum, 바카라 슬롯d 10 people have participated in international academic conferences. A total of over 200 academic lectures have been held, among which more th바카라 슬롯 20 foreign experts 바카라 슬롯d scholars have been invited to the school for academic exch바카라 슬롯ge activities. The college has collaborated with foreign scholars to publish 22 papers.

Our college effectively incorporates foreign scientists as 바카라 슬롯 import바카라 슬롯t part of conducting innovative research, laying the foundation 바카라 슬롯d providing more opportunities for further exp바카라 슬롯ding international cooperation in the fields of science 바카라 슬롯d technology, education, 바카라 슬롯d talent training.